Introduction : It’s time for a new way of workCreate a truly effective successful business and-- digital marketing machine, you need the right People, Processes, and Platforms.

By definition,SenangUrus is a business automation or digital transformation solution, a technology-enabled automation of complex business processes. It can streamline a business for simplicity, achieve digital transformation, increase service quality, improve service delivery or contain costs. It consists of integrating applications, restructuring labor resources by using software applications throughout the organization.

What is SenangUrus?

SenangUrus was built to be a pioneer in a smart integrated cloud-based business management solution that consolidates company data, resources, operation and core business functions into an all-in-one system, customized for SME of various sectors for your specific requirements and industry-related needs.

Why we build SenangUrus?

The aims of SenangUrus is to help SME businesses adopt technologies to automate their business operations as we provide a ready-made software that is continually being improved by our development team to facilitate and enabling our users to access data visibility, analytics, and efficiency across every aspect of a business.

Who should start using SenangUrus?

SenangUrus is an ideal solution for the complete management of franchise businesses, chains, individual stores, mid-market retailers and convenience stores.

By using the latest technologies, SenangUrus facilitates the flow of real-time information across departments, so businesses can make data-driven decisions and manage performance – live!