SenangUrus Implementation & Consultancy ServicesThe start of your long-term partnership with us

Your implementation journey is the start of your long-term partnership with us and is powered by our unique approach.

Working with our business operations implementation experts

Our Implementation Consultants are all retail ERP implementation experts and are highly experienced in business change, having previously worked for other large ERP and SaaS companies and from helping hundreds of SenangUrus customers every year to transform their businesses and achieve their goals. Your implementation journey is the start of your long-term partnership with us and is a mutual investment in your business success, powered by a unique approach.


Our unique approach

All SenangUrus implementations are fixed cost, driven by a Technical Solutions Proposal (TSP), which is written and signed off by the Implementation team, before they provide you with a fixed cost quote for your implementation. You’re making an investment in your business so you should know exactly what you’re signing up for; no surprise costs, no hidden fees. Currently, no other ERP or back office provider does this. You’ll either have to sign a contract before receiving a TSP document, which can be unpredictable, time consuming and expensive, or you won’t receive a TSP at all, which is just risky. Unlike these other vendors, we scope at our expense before you sign. This de-risks the project so you know exactly what it’s going to cost. This unique approach to your implementation ensures you get the best out of SenangUrus and that the solution fully meets your requirements, resulting in a long-lasting and successful partnership.

90 days average implementation time

SenangUrus customers benefit from an average implementation time of just 90 days – 3x faster than a traditional ERP implementation – with some going live in even less time than that.

Fixed cost implementation

All SenangUrus implementations are driven by a Technical Solutions Proposal, which is written and signed off by the Implementation team, before they provide you with a fixed cost quote.

Project scope before you sign

Unlike traditional ERP or back office vendors, we scope at our expense before you sign. This de-risks the project so you know exactly what it’s going to cost.

90 days

Average implementation time

SenangUrus customers benefit from an average implementation time of just 90 days – 3x faster than a traditional ERP implementation – with some going live in even less time than that.

Availability, scalability, flexibility, security, cost-effectivenessYour implementation journey

You’re busy with lots of competing priorities. We get it. As your partner in technology , our implementation approach is focused on setting you up for success and helping you see early returns on your investment and the changes needed to support the adoption and engagement that result in ongoing success.
Project kickoff

You’ll meet your Project Team to finalize your implementation plan

Your project kickoff is arguably the most important part of the implementation. You’ll be introduced to your Project Team, which consists of a Project Manager and an Implementation Consultant, who is highly skilled, trained and accredited to handle retail ERP implementations, and is responsible for delivering the solution outlined in your Technical Solutions Proposal. This first step in your implementation journey is when we’ll guide you through the entire plan so everyone knows who is doing what, when it’s happening, what the dependencies are and what the prerequisites are for each task throughout the entire project. We’ll also discuss the timeline with you to ensure it suits your current workload, schedule and available resource, while resolving any concerns or queries you might have about the project.

Data migration and system configuration

You’ll clean up your data and we’ll configure your account and integrations

Once your implementation plan is finalized, your data migration and system configuration will begin. Your Project Team will help you to optimize your data by suggesting best practices and recommendations on how you can structure your data, which is the cornerstone of your future success. Without clean and accurate data, you’re almost in the same situation you started out in. We get that. And we also get that it’ll be far from being the most fun part of your implementation. Supported by your project team, you’re eliminating the guesswork out of what you do to ensure you’re making the right decisions first. Once your data is finalized, SenangUrus does the heavy lifting for you. That includes importing your data and configuring the system, including all ecommerce and point of sale integrations, as well as automation rules, as outlined in your Technical Solutions Proposal.

Process education

We’ll train you and your staff on every part of the system

With access to clean data and a completed system configuration, you’ll be ready to start your training. We’ll cover vital product training and best practices for every part of the system, including sales, purchasing, accounting, inventory management, warehousing, CRM, marketing, ecommerce integrations and point of sale, ensuring you and your staff fully understand how they’ll complete their duties and jobs of work while using SenangUrus as their main tool.

User acceptance testing

You’ll test that SenangUrus works for you, while we check your staff are fully trained

Once you and your team are trained, we’ll move you over to user acceptance testing. This is your opportunity to test that the solution meets your requirements and is ready for launch, while we’ll check that your staff are fully trained, using the system in the way that we taught them and thus, also ready for launch. The success of your business is our biggest focus, so if you’re not ready to launch, we won’t force it until the transition makes sense.


You’ll start using SenangUrus as the core of your operations

You’ve put in a lot of work up to this point and now it’s time to celebrate with your launch! This is the most exciting part of the project for everyone involved as it’s the moment when SenangUrus truly becomes the heart of your operations. You’ll recount your inventory levels the day before and we’ll import them into your system along with any data that needs updating since the initial import. At this point, it’s your choice on whether we also migrate your accounting data over to SenangUrus now, or on a future date that works best for you.


We’ll continue working with you to ensure your long-term success

Unlike other software providers, our Implementation Consultants don’t disappear once you’re using the system. We ensure your Consultant doesn’t have any other customer-facing calls on the day of the launch, which means you’ll have their undivided attention on the most important day of your implementation journey. Additionally, your Consultant stays with you for the next 30 days as well, which involves regular scheduled checkpoint calls to suit you. Once this step is complete, you’ll be officially handed over to our highly experienced Customer Support teams.


Your data is important to you, your data security is important to us

We understand that the data you enter into SenangUrus is vital to the operation of your business, so our technology is designed to keep your data safe. SenangUrus is built upon Amazon Web Services (AWS), leveraging the complete flexibility, scalability and benefits of cloud computing, backed up by high performance and availability. We also have a disaster recovery plan in place — your data will be backed up in its entirety nightly and stored for 30 days, meaning we can restore your data from one of these backups if needed, down to the nearest minute.

Your goals are individual. We believe training should be too.