Partner Network

Join our growing community of partners and offer the best digital solutions to support your clients growth.
Partnership Program
Certified Partner
Preferred Partner
Advanced Partner
Responsibilities Sales and Marketing Sales & Marketing
Project Management
Sales & Marketing
Project Management
Front Line Support
Dedicated Sales Team

Marketing Plan

Dedicated Sales Team

Marketing Plan
Project Manager

Dedicated Sales Team
Marketing Plan
Project Manager
Technical Support Specialists
Certification Requirements None (2) SenangUrus Certified Professional* (2) SenangUrus Certified
(1) SenangUrus Certified
Qualification Pre-requisites None  Partner team to attend
project with
ARMIENA team and
to pass 80% of project evaluation criteria
Partner team is to complete
successful projects and
to pass 80% of project
evaluation criteria
Software Support and
Maintenance Subscriptions
Provided By ARMIENA Provided By ARMIENA Provided by ARMIENA
Own Branded Software
(White Labeling
with Own Logo
and Own Brand Name)
Rights to use
“SenangUrus” Trademark
Partner Services
(100% of fees
goes to Partner)
Data Entry
Data Migration
Data Entry
Data Migration
Maintenance & Support
Level of Customizability User Interface
Business Intelligence
User Interface Customization
Business Intelligence
Business Model Customization
Advertising Material Provided By ARMIENA Provided By ARMIENA Branded Materials
Pricing Structure Provided By ARMIENA Provided By ARMIENA Own Pricing
Structure with
ARMIENA Guidance
Gross Sales Commission Up to 10% Up to 20% Up to 30%
Annual Enhancement Commission*** 5% 10% 15%
Points Target 100 250 500
Collection Bank Transfers

Online Payments

(Partner’s share is transferred back)

Partner is responsible for
collecting due payments and
transfer ARMIENAs’ share
Remittance On Payment Due Date 30 Days Credit
after payment
due date
60 Days Credit
after payment
due date
Visa issuing /
Travel /
Transportation /
Accommodation Allowance
Provided By
Customer / Partner
Provided By
Customer / Partner
Provided By
Customer / Partner
Annual Fees**** RM 1,800 RM 2,400 RM 5,200

Our SenangUrusTM help brands adapt and thrive in a connected world

Join SenangUrus Partner Network to digitally transform businesses with world-class enterprise software, scale your business globally and earn substantial revenues

SenangUrus team is a diverse network of consultants and industry professionals with a global mindset and a collaborative culture. We work to understand our client issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making their business work better.

“Having a dream of being a first class digital solution provider to build spectacular digital products and services, we have started our journey working with various partners since 2012.”
Shamim ShafieeFounder of SenangUrus

SenangUrus team is a diverse network of consultants and industry professionals with a global mindset and a collaborative culture. We work to understand our client issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making their business work better.

Future is brighter when you’re more prepared

We bring the breadth of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed in your work


Business Partners help in generating business opportunities and building customer base across SenangUrus product offerings


Technology & Solution Partnerships complement SenangUrus Product offerings in enabling a holistic digital transformation for customers


Platform Partners leverage SenangUrus Product offerings to deliver Managed Services

Let's work togetherPartner Network

Join our growing community of partners and offer the best digital solutions to support your clients growth.

(+6) 03 - 2770 2575

01Industrial Recognition

No greater honor exists than the recognition by our peers and customers for delivering a needed solution to our marketplace.

02Future is Now

Be a pioneer in bringing future ready enterprise software solutions to organizations infused with Business Intelligence, IoT, AI & ML

03Trust & Transparency

Discover 360 degree partner enablement and support programme to drive your success

04Connectivity & Integration

SenangUrus typically have a lot of potential for customization, with a whole host of features your business will benefit from, alongside others you may not use as much, or at all.

BECOME A PARTNERLeave us a little info, and we'll be in touch.

    We are eager to find a partner who is as passionate about the business as we are!