Release Notes & Changelog for SenangUrusThank You, Everyone, for being on this Amazing Journey with SenangUrus!

“There is no one system that is applicable for all SME's needs. But we had done it. As we scale and grow our solution, the complexity also grows, and the challenges also become greater. There will certainly be a number of trials and errors, but these [errors] will produce insights. ” - Shamim Shafiee, Founder of SenangUrus.

ChangelogVersion 3.0

SenangUrus V3.0 was released based on our user feedbacks, industrial experts and all people surroundings us in helping the making of SenangUrus to be a top-notch solutions for SME.
September 28, 2021 - New Release V3.3
  1. NEW: Add expense from pos screen
  2. FIX: Opening balance logic changes in customer/supplier ledger
  3. FIX: Cash register sale total issue when previous sales date is selected.
  4. FIX: Minimum sell price validation added in add sale (now works same as POS sales)
  5. FIX: Import contact business name when customer fixed.
  6. FIX: 409 error on contact update in some servers fixed
  7. FIX: Payment account debit credit sides swapped
  8. FIX: Convert draft to final exception handling issue fixed
  9. FIX: Datatable action dropdown issue fixed
September 23, 2021 - Release V3.2
  1. [NEW] Payment edit option in edit sale
  2. [NEW] In product sell report added sales by category and brand
  3. [NEW] In dashboard replaced pre-defined date to date range picker.
  4. [NEW] Commission calculation types added: 2 types (Invoice value & Payment received). Related changes in Sales representative report and payroll commission calculation changed
  5. [NEW] Option to display commission agent name in invoice layout.
  6. [NEW] Option to change proforma invoice heading in invoice layout
  7. [NEW] Purchase custom fields added
  8. [NEW] Additional expenses fields added to purchase & purchase order
  9. [NEW] Line discount displayed in invoice. Need to enable from Invoice layout.
  10. [NEW] New layout for ledger as per accounting format.
  11. [Improvement] Many new permissions were added & improved in add/edit roles.
  12. [Improvement] Check added to not allow change admin role if one admin is present in business.
  13. [Improvement] Sku added to stock alert and stock expiry alert on the dashboard
  14. [Improvement] Account book slow loading optimized.
  15. [Improvement] Profit loss report optimized
  16. [Improvement] Account list datatable query optimized
  17. [Improvement] Sell details calculation for dashboard and balance sheet optimized
  18. [Improvement] Cashflow loading optimized
  19. [Improvement] Ajax based contact dropdown implemented on add/edit user form
  20. [Improvement] Contact list filters added
  21. [Improvement] Line taxes added to view sale
  22. [Improvement] Customer supplier report search by business name added
  23. [Improvement]Customer group filter added to product sell report
  24. [Improvement] Item description column added to Items Report
  25. [Improvement] Payment method added to tax report
  26. [Fix]Stock expiry report quantity issue
  27. [Fix] RTL issue in slim2 invoice layout fixed
  28. [Fix] Product expiry related issue fixed
  29. [Fix] Removed – Purchase order getting added in opening-closing stock
  30. [Fix] decimal point issue at some places fixed
  31. [Fix] expense list print number format
  32. [Fix]Cash register report total calculation
  33. [Fix] Currency symbol issue in ledger pdf
  34. [Fix]Import product opening stock fix
September 14, 2021 - Release V3.1
  1. NEW: Purchase order feature
  2. NEW: Sales order feature
  3. NEW: Search product by custom fields in POS & Sales screen.
  4. NEW: Separate page for Activity log, only visible to the admin role. (Reports -> Activity Log)
  5. NEW: Cash register denominations feature added
  6. Improvement: SKU editable in add/edit products
  7. Improvement: Shipping note and shipping related activities added to edit shipping modal
  8. Improvement: Line discount added to invoices
  9. Improvement: Sales representative commmission calculation changes. (Remove tax shipping etc from commission)
  10. Improvement: prefix added for year type invoice scheme
  11. FIX: Customer/Supplier Ledger issue
  12. Fix: Product history not showing purchase return
  13. FIX: Warranty & Expiry date not showing add sales
  14. Fix: double customer name removed from invoices
  15. Fix: multiple permission fixes
  16. Fix: Sell table footer total sell return due
  17. Fix: Fixed blank screen issue
August 29, 2021 - Release V3.0


  1. Activity log for sell, purchase, shipping, sell return, purchase return, contacts, users, contact, sell transfer, expense, stock adjustment, to-dos, login, logout, purchase & sales notification, users, contact, sell transfer, expense, stock adjustment, and to-dos
  2. Internet connection Online / Offline status indicator
  3. Disable ajax call and form submission on offline mode.
  4. Option for proforma invoice
  5. Business name displayed with the contact name in sale / draft list and reports
  6. Show customer address on sales add / edit
  7. Show supplier address on purchase add / edit
  8. Sell custom fields
  9. Permission to delete direct sell
  10. Document upload option in add sales
  11. Custom fields in Shipping
  12. Upload shipping documents in shipping.
  13. Product brochure upload option in add / edit product.
  14. Number to word format in invoice international format option
  15. Pay button added to dashboard sell / purchase payment due table
  16. Cron job command for backup clean
  17. Permission for commission agent sell and shipment
  18. 4 new custom payments added.
  19. Show price of products in the tooltip in POS screen product suggestion.
  20. Option to set default credit limit while adding customer
  21. Selling price group linked to the customer group
  22. Permission to print invoice added


  1. Discount permission.
  2. Edit combo product issue on edit sell,
  3. Update combo product stock issue
  4. Custom label issue for types of service,
  5. Minimum selling price validation issue on sale form
  6. Edit expense
  7. Profit loss report end date issue
  8. PL report by invoice first-row empty issue fixed
  9. Word break issue on invoice
  10. Account book showing deleted contact pay amount issue
  11. Refresh contact payment on deleting payment implemented
  12. Customer group filter
  13. Auto-Submission notification error suppressed,
  14. Deleting expense refund fixed
  15. Account link from advance payment removed
  16. Product stock history quantity calculation
  17. Gross profit fixed on profit loss report group by invoice

ChangelogVersion 2.0

SenangUrus V2.0 changelog includes records of changes such as bug fixes, new features, etc. and as one of the top-level files in SenangUrus distribution and all notable changes made to SenangUrus since the beginning of its released.
July 30, 2021 - Release V2.7
  1. [NEW] Option for proforma invoice
  2. [FIX]Deleting expense refund fixed
June 27, 2021 - Release V2.6.3
  1. New: Product History, view details stock history of a product
  2. NEW: Added DateTime picker in Add/edit Sales, expenses, purchases payments
  3. NEW: Added location dropdown in pos, so the location can be changed from pos directly.
  4. NEW: Shipping status filter added to sell list
  5. NEW: Location-based tags added to notification templates
  6. NEW: Time range filter added to product sell report
  7. IMPROVEMENT: Products description on invoice design improved
  8. FIX: Barcode printing fix
  9. FIX: Profit loss report fixes & improvements
  10. FIX: Modifier quantity issue fixed
  11. FIX: Custom label fixes
  12. FIX: Expense not showing as per selected business location on dashboard issue fixed
  13. FIX: Feature product image not showing issue fixed
  14. FIX: Product add on scan issue
  15. Toaster notification timeout reduced
June 19, 2021 - Release V2.6.2
  1. Barcode printing style improvement
  2. Permission issue
  3. Edit combo product price issue
  4. Customer edit credit limit issue
  5. Page leave confirmation issue
  6. Credit limit issue on editing draft
  7. Pos default payment set to cash.
  8. Sell return permission
  9. PHP ini settings added to AppServiceProvider
  10. Contact payment summary removed from view contact
  11. Default Round off label added.
  12. Custom payment type label issue fixed
  13. Sorting brand and category dropdown alphabetically implemented
  14. Stock transfer list sorting improved
  15. POS screen mobile responsive improvements
  16. Leads issue for CRM Module
June 4, 2021 - Release V2.6.1
  1. NEW: Permission added for View & Close cash register
  2. NEW: New option “For tax group only” added in add/edit tax
  3. NEW: Tax with 0% marked as “Exempt” on classic invoice
  4. NEW: In invoices, the total amount can be displayed in words. Need to enable it from Invoice Layout.
  5. NEW: Print invoice on suspending option added to POS settings
  6. NEW: Added company name in add/edit customer
  7. NEW: Added 6 more custom fields in customer & suppliers
  8. Improvement: Printing of label improvements to make it print much better.
  9. Improvement: Product description design improved in the invoice to make distinguishable from the product name
  10. Improvement: In invoices, the Packing charge is displayed
  11. Improvement: Search by lot number fixed in the POS screen.
  12. Improvement: Ledger issues fixed
  13. Improvement: Removed required business name when adding a contact.
May 19, 2021 - Release V2.6
  1. NEW: New invoice layout, Slim2
  2. NEW: In discount adding options to select multiple products.
  3. NEW: Printing of Stock adjustment
  4. NEW: Printing of Stock transfer
  5. NEW: URL for Quotations
  6. NEW: Sending of Quotations notification.
  7. NEW: Added 2 different layouts selection option for POS & Add sales in add/edit business location.
  8. Improvement: Slim invoice design improvement
  9. Improvement: Net profit formula changed
  10. Improvement: Ledger improvements & fixes
  11. Improvement: Sending of SMS improved, added setting for headers in SMS configuration
  12. Improvement: https improvements
  13. Improvement: Walk-In-customer default credit set to 0
  14. Fix: Import opening stock
May 2, 2021- Release V2.5
  1. NEW: Advance payment to customer & Supplier.
  2. NEW: Custom views, this will make the managing of view files changes easy, you can easily override any view files.
  3. NEW: Search with variations SKU of products on the products list
  4. NEW: Serial number for drafts with prefix option.
  5. NEW: Status in Stock transfer
  6. NEW: Edit stock transfer
  7. Improvement: Stock report display stock by location, a location column is added. Previously it was showing the sum of stock from all locations. With this, it becomes easy to check the stock of a product in a different location
  8. Improvement: Simplified Contact form. Added a More information button which displays many other fields.
  9. Improvement: Expenses can added for contact(customer/suppliers). “Expense for contact” field added in add/edit expense
  10. Improvement: Inbuilt Twilio & Nexmo SMS configuration
  11. Improvement: Kitchen and Orders page improvements
  12. Improvement: Left navigation bar design improvements
  13. FIX: Slim invoice tax
  14. FIX: View customer sales tab not showing all sales
  15. FIX: Cash register fixes
  16. FIX: Booking permission fixes
April 21, 2021 - Release V2.4
  1. NEW: Page leave confirmations added to many screens to avoid loss of data
  2. NEW: Invoice scheme dropdown added to pos screen
  3. NEW: Recurring expenses
  4. NEW: Permission to view product stock value-added
  5. IMPROVEMENT: Spaces reduced in invoices
  6. IMPROVEMENT: Contact form improved: Added new field – Title, first name, middle name, last name, address line 1, address line 2, date of birth
  7. IMPROVEMENT: User max discount validation added for fixed type discount
  8. IMPROVEMENT: Recurring invoice issue fixed.
  9. IMPROVEMENT: The tax report improved to give details of input tax, output tax, and expense tax.
  10. IMPROVEMENT: Removed POS screen reset on changing of price group.
  11. FIX: Weighing scale product search issue
  12. FIX: User max discount issue fixed
April 9, 2021 - Release V2.3
  1. NEW: Get stock value by selling price and purchase price.
  2. NEW: Get potential profit for stock in the stock reports.
  3. NEW: Give the same price to all variance of variable products at once.
  4. NEW: Date range filter added to cash register report
  5. NEW: Hide price option on a slim invoice added for the gift receipt.
  6. NEW: Option to select invoice layout in the POS screen
  7. NEW: User max sale discount.
  8. Improvement: Fixed height added to sell list
  9. Improvement: Customer info added to slim invoice
  10. Improvement: Show current stock of products on add purchase screen
  11. FIX: Category dropdown issue fixed
  12. FIX: Black theme color issues fixed, bg color from module names removed on side menu
  13. Improvements & stability
March 27, 2021 - Release V2.2
  1. [NEW]: Import sales from excel sheet (beta)
  2. [NEW]: Featured products in the POS screen for frequently used products.
  3. [NEW]: Permissions added for Access printers, Access Tables, Acess types of service, Acess Package Subscription,
  4. [IMPROVEMENT]: Due date removed from the invoice when the invoice is paid.
  5. [IMPROVEMENT]: Custom field labels can be modified from Settings instead of doing it in the language files.
  6. [IMPROVEMENT]: Customer custom fields displayed separate lines in detailed invoices design
  7. [IMPROVEMENT]: Payment details added in add expense screen.
  8. [IMPROVEMENT]: Filter by business location in the dashboard, if multiple locations are present
  9. [IMPROVEMENT]: Date range picker filter in customer/supplier -> sales/purchases
  10. [IMPROVEMENT]: In Product Sell Report added a detailed report with purchase line details.
  11. [IMPROVEMENT]: Added the SKU column to the Product Purchase Report & Sell report
  12. [IMPROVEMENT]: Added lot number in product sell report if enabled.
  13. [IMPROVEMENT]: User view page design
  14. [IMPROVEMENT]: in dashboard enabled export options for all tables.
  15. [IMPROVEMENT]: Option to enable or disable login for a user
  16. [IMPROVEMENT]: Design changes for View Contact, Supplier and View users to make it look better
  17. [IMPROVEMENT]: Design changes for suspended invoice modal: added delete button.
  18. [IMPROVEMENT]: Show a lot number in product sell report if enabled.
  19. [FIX]: Profit & loss report shipping charge for the sales issue.
  20. [FIX]: POS screen payment issue sometimes.
  21. [FIX]: Stock adjustment deducting from sales
  22. [FIX]: Total sold issue in the stock report if multiple locations are enabled.
  23. [FIX]: Credit limit issue in customer.
  24. [FIX]: Credit sales issue fixes
March 26, 2021 - Release V2.1
  1. [Improvement]: Option to Restore a closed Account.
  2. [Improvement]: Option to filter products without a Business Location assigned
  3. [Improvement]: Cash flow report improvement
  4. [Improvement]: Option to show the balance of the account selected on every Payment Form. Uses the view payment account permission.
  5. [Improvement]: Option to Inactive/Activate a Price Group
  6. [Improvement]: Delete suspended sales.
  7. [Improvement]: Filter transaction with no linked account
  8. [Improvement]: Activate/Deactivate a customer
  9. [Improvement]: Account Book description for expenses
  10. [Improvement]: Attach a document/picture in a Fund Transfer
  11. [Improvement]: Ledger fixed & design improvements
  12. [Improvement]: Added 2 new permission: “View own expense” & “View own purchase”
  13. [Improvement]: Activate/Deactivate customer & suppliers
  14. [FIX]: Terms and conditions not getting displayed.
  15. [FIX]: Edit pos screen customer changing to walk-in-customer
  16. [FIX]: Booking undefined error
  17. [FIX]: Invoice Slim layout fix
  18. [FIX]: View sales total remaining miscalculation.
  19. [FIX]: Modifier issue fixed.
  20. [FIX]: Barcode Issue: Unsupported SKU id for the selected barcode type
  21. [FIX]: POS screen product suggestions disable option.
  22. [FIX]: Edit contact credit limit formatting
  23. [FIX]: Invoice all amount texts indented to right
  24. [FIX]: Contact opening balance irregularities on editing contact.
February 27, 2021 - Release V2.0
  1. Overall new design in the system.
  2. POS screen design improved
  3. Browser notification added using pusher.
  4. Modules system implemented (Initial beta version, document coming in future release)
  5. Label weighing scale integration.
  6. Rounding mechanism added to sell screen.
  7. Customer/Supplier ledger improved, with option to send ledger as attachment in email or download as PDF.
  8. View contact improved
  9. View users page improved
  10. Notification template tags updated with more tags.
  11. CC and BCC added to email notification.
  12. Send email notification to multiple recipients implemented with comma separated emails.
  13. Expense displayed in home
  14. Profit loss report fixed for disabled stock management products.
  15. Slim invoice layout design improved.
  16. Total quantity added to invoice
  17. Base selling price added to exported spread sheet while exporting selling price groups
  18. Deterring filter set to current financial year in most of the places.
  19. Filters added to draft list, quotation list, sell return list, shipments, and purchase return list
  20. Document & note implemented in customer, supplier, user.
  21. Laravel view logger implemented
  22. Scroll to top button added
  23. Added settings to enable/disable “Purchase”, “Add Sale”, ” POS”, “Stock Transfers”, “Stock Adjustment”, “Expenses”. Go to  Settings -> Business Settings -> Modules to enable/disable it.
  24. Added document upload type restrictions.
  25. In Sales screen – added “Save & Print” button


  1. Image in POS screen
  2. POS errors on 0 stock
  3. Warranty & type of service
  4. Invoice URL view button added.
  5. Added document upload type restrictions.
  6. List contacts
  7. Many other issues fixed

ChangelogVersion 1.0

SenangUrus is officially released to public with General Availability (GA) and beta version, used primarily for testing and user feedback purposes.
January 8, 2021 - Release V1.11

NOTE: This version requires you to perform some manual actions mentioned below:

  1. Assign location for products:
  2. Payment methods: Go to Settings > Business Location > edit the business location and select the applicable payment methods.
  3. All open cash register will be automatically closed.

Feature Log:

  1. [NEW]: Types of service (like dine-in, 3rd party service, Parcel, Courier, etc) with the option to set different price groups for different services. Also, type of service breakdown in view registers.
  2. [NEW]: Enable/Disable payment method from business location.
  3. [NEW]: Link payment methods to payment account.
  4. [NEW]: Location based products, choose location where the product will be available. Also, bulk assigning of product locations.
  5. [NEW]: Credit sale button in the POS screen.
  6. [NEW]: Invoice design for Thermal printer for printing from browser to thermal printers.
  7. [NEW]: Product warranty
  8. [NEW]: Price group option for locations added
  9. [NEW]: Location added to the cash register, now select the location of cash register before opening the register.
  10. [NEW]: New status overdue & Partial overdue for Sales & purchase invoices which extended the pay term date with filter for filtering them
  11. [NEW]: Profile picture or avatar for users to upload
  12. [NEW]: Add customer directly from the booking form
  13. [IMPROVEMENT]: Tax in expenses.
  14. [IMPROVEMENT]: Made alert quantity field optional in add product screen
  15. [IMPROVEMENT]: Displaying due date in invoices (Need to enable from invoice layout)
  16. [FIX]: Product Image sometimes not showing in POS & invoices.
  17. [FIX]: Cashflow balance
  18. Overall Code improvements
November 26, 2020 - Release V1.10
  1. [NEW] Redesigning Login and Registration page to make it looks more intuitive and sleek.
  2. [NEW] Test email and SMS configurations from the settings
  3. [NEW] Enable selection of Date & Time in POS screen (Need to be enabled from POS settings)
  4. [NEW] Activate/Deactivate business location
  5. [IMPROVEMENT] Cash register total sales, cash sales, credit sales
  6. [FIX] Account book same datetime transaction balance
  7. [FIX] Profit & Loss (P&L) report fixes and improvement
  8. [FIX] Decimal stock sales fix
  9. Miscellaneous fixes & improvements
November 1, 2020 - Release V1.9
  1. NEW: Combo product
  2. NEW: Export all products selling price group price
  3. NEW: Import all products selling price group price
  4. NEW: Option to configure the data-table default page entries value (settings added to Business Settings > System)
  5. NEW: Account type and subtype for accounts.
  6. IMPROVEMENT: Purchase screen default selling price changed to price including tax instead of excluding tax
  7. IMPROVEMENT: “Current Stock value” displayed in the stock report.
  8. IMPROVEMENT: Opening balance due added to the customer all total due on the invoice
  9. IMPROVEMENT: Account deposit from field changed to optional in the deposit form
  10. FIXES: Stock expiry report fixes
  11. FIXES: Miscellaneous fixes & improvements
September 19, 2020 - Release V1.8.2
  1. IMPROVEMENT : Location permission moved from roles to users.
  2. NEW: More predefined ranges added to date range picker, JavaScript language files updated
  3. NEW: Search settings implemented
  4. NEW: Custom label for payment method added.
  5. IMPROVEMENT: Show contact details on print ledger
  6. IMPROVEMENT: Converted all csv to XLS import for better compatibility
  7. FIX: Transaction payment date issue fixed
  8. FIX: Logo issue in email notification fixed
  9. FIX: Data-Table decimal number issue on print fixed, Label print decimal number issue fixed

NOTE: This update needs a manual action. We have moved the users location permission from roles to add/edit users. Previously it used to be from roles. So for all users in your application you will have to update the location for them.

August 28, 2020 - Release V1.8.1
    1. Hide admin role from non admin users while creating users
    2. Submit alert issue on add/edit sale
    3. “Not for sell” column added to import product
    4. Quick add customer from pos screen displayed custom fields
    5. Modifiers price reset when modifiers are removed
    6. Printing of Barcode sticker improvements
    7. Database decimal columns length changed
August 19, 2020 - Release V1.8
    1. NEW Module Release: Production module (RMS)
    2. Bulk edit multiple products in one time.
    3. Display customer reward points in the invoice.
    4. Mark a product as “Not for selling” in add/edit products
    5. Enable bookings option added to module setting
    6. Added Sub-Units in products, to select only the relevant units for selected units.
August 7, 2020 - Release V1.7
    1. Customer Reward Point, increase customer loyalty by offering them reward point.
    2. Customer / Supplier ledger.
    3. Miscellaneous improvements
May 29, 2020 - Release V1.6
  1. Discounts by category, brands, start-end day.
  2. Profit & Loss report lots of improvements: Gross Profit, Profit By Category, Profit by Brands, Profit by date, Profit by Invoice, Profit by Day
  3. Gross Profit in Profit & Loss report
  4. Stock report added to the product list page.
  5. Product list: Show price of the product, and price range it variable product. Also, total of stock displayed in list product.
  6. Quick add product from a direct sale
  7. Add purchase return from all purchases of a supplier (no need to select any particular purchase invoice)
  8. Print packing slip
  9. Product image display in the invoice by enabling it in invoice layout
  10. Performance improvements in reports and many different sections
  11. Show custom fields on the contact details page
  12. Miscellaneous Fixes & Improvements
April 9, 2020 - Release V1.5
  1. NEW: Activate/Deactivate products on the product list.
  2. NEW: Decimal Precision for currency (number of digits to show after the decimal for currencies)
  3. NEW: Decimal precision for Quantity;(number of digits to show after the decimal for currencies)
  4. NEW: PHP-CS-Fixer & Prettier (Improved coding standard)
  5. NEW: Service Staff can be selected for each line in sales, Related changes in the service staff report & added on orders screen.
  6. NEW: Print invoice button in recent transactions in the POS screen.
  7. NEW: Currencies added.
  8. IMPROVEMENT: Query optimization & indexing for faster loading & searching.
  9. IMPROVEMENT: Mobile number added to customer dropdown on POS screen
  10. IMPROVEMENT: Mass delete products message improved
  11. IMPROVEMENT: Auto refresh orders on Kitchen and Orders page implemented with configurable refresh time.
  12. IMPROVEMENT: Stock report improvement
  13. IMPROVEMENT: Disabling category or brands also disable from POS screen products filter.
  14. FIXES: Sale return deducted from Sales representative report, Customer due in the Balance sheet & tax report.
  15. FIXES: Drafts and quotations in lines removed from product sell report.
  16. Other fixes & improvement
March 18, 2020 - Release V1.4

Maintainance Release. No new feature has been added or no issues have been fixed.

March 8, 2020 - Release V1.3.1
  1. Filters in List Purchases, Sales, Products
  2. Show available stock on product search dropdown in pos screen
  3. Display opening balance on reports and contact details page
  4. Contact opening balance bug fixed
  5. Fixes & improvements in the dashboard.
  6. Dashboard multiple ajax call reduced
  7. Invoice due display issue on dashboard fixed
  8. HTML code improvements
  9. Other minor improvements
January 18, 2020 - Release V1.3
  1. Profit & Loss report displaying expense as 0.
  2. Backup Improvements.
  3. Deleting invoice doesn’t remove from cash register issue.
  4. Opening Stock issue when multiple locations.
  5. View product price display issue.
  6. Miscellaneous Cleanup, Fixes & Improvements from V2.12 release.
January 11, 2020 - Release V1.2
  1. Payment Accounts, Related reports & Features
  2. Subscriptions Module for invoices
  3. Multiple units of a product. (For example: purchase in Box and sell in pieces)
  4. Invoice external URL
  5. Show the total due amount of a customer in invoice: To display the total due amount of a customer, meaning it will show the sum of all due invoices for a customer an invoice. You can enable it from invoice layout by checking  & also add the label for it.
  6. Opening Stock Improvement
  7. Opening Balance for customer improvements
  8. Dashboard graph improvements: Dashboard graph now show location wise sales and a sum/combined location sales lines.
  9. Overall fixes & improvements
December 23, 2019 - Release V1.1
  1. Adding, Editing, Downloading documents for Purchases and Expenses.
  2. New reports: Profit & Loss Report
  3. View “Today’s Profit” directly from the Top navigation bar.
  4. Import products via CSV.
  5. Improvements in sell receipt:
    1. Display different headings for Credit & Paid invoice.
    2. Hide or Display Customer information.
    3. Hide or Display Payment Information.
    4. Total Paid, Total Due columns added.
  6. Keyboard shortcuts for POS screen with options to configure your own shortcuts.
  7. Huge improvements in POS screen in terms of usability and reducing billing time.
  8. New Sell feature – Now sell quickly with POS screen or create invoice via “Add Sell” screen.
  9. Stock accounting method added: LIFO / FIFO.
  10. Increased money value support.
December 3, 2019 - Release V1.0

Initial release with minimal viable version (MVP) of SenangUrus.
