Get a complete Graphical view of your business—from Accounts, Sale, Purchase, Inventory and Customer Service with reliable reports and enjoy increased productivity.
Effectively analyze your operating cash flow for your business. No business can afford to ignore its cash flow. Monitoring this is like monitoring your pulse – it's a crucial health check for your business.
SenangUrus offer remote working options, allow the use of personal laptops and mobile devices for business purposes, and make use of cloud technology for data access.
Begin With New Analytics
Centralizes your company data, resources, operations and core business functions into all-in-one solution customized for your specific requirements and industry-related needs.
SenangUrus provide visibility, analytics, and efficiency across every aspect of a business.
Using the latest technologies, SenangUrus can facilitate the flow of real-time information across departments, so businesses can make data-driven decisions and manage performance – live.
SenangUrus is unique because it touches many or all of the different aspects of a business. It’s an end-to-end solution with a lot of features.
SenangUrus comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & Medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business.
While all your core operations are optimized, you’ll be able to swiftly adjust to any market changes and grow your business without any inefficiency holding you back.